Jeugdsportfonds (Youth Sport Foundation) and Jeugdcultuurfonds (Youth Culture Foundation) have a direct way to provide opportunities for children who live in poor circumstances: they enable them to participate in sport clubs or cultural activities, ‘simply’ by paying the fee and sometimes for the equipment.
The two national organisations have merged into one. Locally however, in the municipalities, the situation is different everywhere. In many places, the organisations still operate independently and are free to remain doing so.
The new organisation wanted to develop a new brand that creates more unity, yet respects the existing names and organisations.
Listening to the organisations and understanding their ambitions, we came up with a strategic concept that is more future-focused without ignoring the different interests. An iImportant part was to leave behind the dualism in naming. We advised to switch to a new, joint name: Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur (Youth Foundation Sports and Culture). Wherever necessary, a local organisation could still use either Jeugdfonds Sport or Jeugdfonds Cultuur.
The strategic principle turned the situation around: the branding is united by default and separate when needed. Instead of presenting two separate organisations, connected by a visual identity, there is just one identity and one name for one organisation.
Although there are different target groups (municipalities, sponsors, intermediaries), the design is focused on the frame of reference of youngsters. They are at the centre point of the organisations and, therefore, the identity. The way of communicating is clear and straight to the point.
The design is energetic, strong and positive. It fits the attitude of the Jeugdfonds, stimulating the potential of children rather than focusing on their problems. The direct and dynamic nature of the identity underscores the fact that Jeugdfonds communicates to children at their level, speaking to them directly, from a position of respect rather than care.
The introduction of the renaming and the identity brought an important step forward for the organisation. It has sped up the spirit of integration and created a brand that is future-focused and sustainable.